2014-05-31 - Stephanie's Loop


~17 miles @ ~12.8 min/mi

Join Stephanie for a 7 mile afternoon loop around her neighborhood, dodging cyclists and sharing geeky-analytic conversation: ketogenic diets, neurophysiology, pro- and pre-biotics, ultramarathon training, etc. Dr Fonda is finishing another awesome 70-mile week before starting to taper for the Mohican 100 miler in late June — wow! During the solo trek home, greet family friend Elie at her Kensington bookstore, and trot down the Mormon Temple hill (Stoneybrook St) behind a young lady with a flaming red ponytail. Runkeeper inexplicably pauses when the iPhone takes a photo and so misses the first 4+ miles to Stephanie's home; Garmin records the entire route.

^z - 2014-06-23